In today’s log I have something I get asked about all of the time, how to set up a program. Well, I am giving you a brand new, never released by me Program Set Up For Dummies template. It will work for fitness, strength athletes and just about anyone else.
I will not cover sets and reps in this log, but will in another. I need this to be simple, stripped down and easy to understand with nothing to confuse you.
And I don’t care if you are a Powerlifter, someone who trains for general fitness or something else, this will work.
Because it is balanced and minimalist.
But also because it is easily adaptable to specific needs.
What I am presenting here is a simple 3 day plan for general strength and fitness that is very time efficient. It's perfect for people that don't have a lot of time to train (so they say).
Having a simple and adaptable plan that is minimalist gives you the ability to work HARD at all of it. Plus an added bonus is that it will not take 2 hours or more to complete each training session.

With no further delay or excess words (see what I did there?), here is your Program Set Up For Dummies.
This will be a 3 day program. You can add in another day for accessories if you like, and I suggest at least 1 or 2 days of cardio/GPP for your heart.
All of your accessory work will be in 3 week waves before switching just like the main lifts.
Day 1: Program Set Up For Dummies
Lower Body
1. Squat, Goodmorning or Deadlift
Run these in a 3 week wave of each lift.
EG: 3 weeks of Squats followed by 3 weeks of Goodmornings then 3 weeks of Deadlifts, then back to Squats.
2. Something for the front of the lower body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
EG: Lunges, Step Up, Front Squat, Leg Press (or any other quad dominant movement). Be sure to use single leg choices frequently.
3. Something for the back of the lower body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
EG: Leg Curls, Glute Ham Raises, Nordic Curls, Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (the list is endless-pick something).
4. Something for the middle of your body. Choose an ab exercise (Sit-ups, GHR sit-ups, Ab Wheel, Hanging Leg Raise)

Day 2: Program Set Up For Dummies
Upper Body
1. Bench Press, Floor Press, Log Press, Barbell Overhead Press

Run any variation of bench press or Overhead Press that suits your goals for 3 weeks. Then choose a new one. Rotate every 3 weeks.
2. Something for the front of your upper body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
Pushups, Dips, Dumbell Bench Press, again, the list is endless.
3. Something for the back of your upper body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
Rows of any type here.
4. Something for the middle of your body that works laterally. Side bend, Side Plank, Russian Twist, there’s a million choices. Pick one.
Day 3: Program Set Up For Dummies
Full Body:
Choose different exercises than you used on the other 2 days for everything.
1. Something for the front of your upper body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
Something for the back of the lower body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
2. Something for the back of your upper body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
This should be some type of Pulldown or Pullup as you already rowed.
Something for the front of the lower body that addresses your weakness and works for you.
3. Something for the front of your arms that addresses your weakness and works for you.
Something for the back of your arms that addresses your weakness and works for you.
4. Something for the middle of your body that works staying still.

Any plank variation or braced movements or Farmer's Walks is where your head should be at.
Something for the sides of your arms (delts).
Any type of front, lateral or rear delt raise.
I don’t know how to make it more simple and personalized than that!
Next up, sets and reps.
Did you miss last week’s log?

Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
May 31, 2024