If Your Training Really Matters To You
I've been there. Hell, I'm still there. My training matters. Many would say it matters more than it should. For most of my life it was my priority and to be honest, it still creeps up to #1 from time to time.
Has this created disruptions in my life? Let me flip this and ask you if your dedication to training has ever created issues within your own life. Has it impaired work performance, relationships, and at times turned your life upside down?
I think I can answer this for you having spent over thirty years being a self-defined ‘meathead’. Over the last three decades I've been involved with the strength and physique sub-cultures, I've lost count of those who have dropped out of school, quit or been fired from good jobs, lost businesses, ruined relationships, gotten divorced, put off having children, and now are dealing with poor health.
The day you decide to compete is the same day you put your mental and physical health on the back shelf. You may be ok with that or may think it's not true or won’t happen to you; but it can and will catch up.
I do believe that it catches up to us all in one way or another but also feel there are things we can do to mitigate the damage that will be done.
It's not a matter of IF it will catch up but WHEN and HOW BADLY it will catch up.
I can name countless individuals who've paid the price in more ways than anyone should ever have to; substance abuse, divorce, health issues, joint replacements, disabilities, depression, etc. Ya, I know I am painting a bad picture, and it can be, but it doesn't have to be. I know the prices I've paid and I know some could have been avoided while others just came with the territory. One of the things I now know is that there is a lot I don't know and I rely on others to help me with those things.
I love training. I loved competing. I loved it so much I would have given almost anything for it. I write "almost" now where years ago I know I wrote "everything." You see you don't know what everything really is until you get slapped in the face with it.
Several years ago I meet Mark Dugdale and thought, "Man, here is a guy who has this all figured out". Then I learned he has fought many battles and has won far more of them than I have. Mark is someone I look to for guidance when it comes to training the way I want to train (balls out and with purpose) BUT not having to pay the same prices (physical, mental and social) I have paid in the past.
Mark will teach you how to live and train the way you want to in a way that exceeds your own expectations and provides longevity. Trust me, it is better to fade away than burn out, because you get to spend more time doing what you love instead of looking for other ways to compensate for what you want to be doing. You CAN make gains, grow a business and have a family. Mark is doing it, has been doing it, and can help guide you on how to do it.
This presentation will not be about getting bigger, leaner and stronger. It will be about how to do all these things AND not have to give up what so many of us have sacrificed in our own pasts trying to become the best we could. As I like to say I have “earned my regrets” and will do ALL I CAN to make sure you don't have to endure the same regrets I have and that I have seen others make.
By bringing Mark to the Elitefts compound to speak to you is one way I am keeping this promise to you. If you are a powerlifter, bodybuilder, Olympic lifter, strongman, crossfitter, or any other athlete that places training as a top priority, this event is for you. You can walk the same round as so many before you and end up in the same places they have or you can take one day out of your life and listen to someone who has found a better path.
Even if his path is not the one for you, I guarantee it will provide you with ideas and plans that will make a positive difference in your journey. If not, I will give you your money back.
I invite you to train with us, listen, and learn about a path of health and longevity that will not mean changing your entire training program or life. Yes, small changes do add up and matter.
1. Register for the event
2. Show up, train, and listen
3. Ask any and all of the question you have
It's that simple.
I look forward to meeting, training, and learning with you on January 14th at the elitefts UGSS with Mark Dugdale.
Dave Tate
Founder Elitefts.com Inc
P.S. Based on gym space and topic this event will be limited to around 40 participants.
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