OK, here's the deal. We have two Powerlifters working to break All-Time World Records. For the sake of this post, let's say one has a Purple Face, and the Other has a Red Face. For anyone who has been around the top end of the sport for any period of the time as a training partner of a top lifter, a coach of one, or the top lifter themselves you know two - three key things that need to be in place for these records to happen. These items are rarely ever or never discussed.
Instead of addressing these main issues, the ones that matter most, the ones other lifters need to know, the things that can only be discovered (or exposed) when you get to that level what we see is the massive redirection.
The narrative becomes bantering about knee sleeve carry over, equipment carry over, high squats, Federation corruption, and personal cock measuring contests.
The Purple Face Lifter says something about the Red Face Lifter. Then the Red Face Lifter, who doesn't care but is known for not taking any shit, says something back to the Red Faced Lifter. Now the Purple Face Lifter gets butt-hurt because what the Red Face Lifter said hurt his "feelings."
Purple Face begins telling everyone how awful and evil the Red Face is and tries to get everyone on his side to get back at Purple Face. When this doesn't happen, he begins speaking on behalf of his fans, clients, friends, and associates to all others in the federation insinuating they all will leave if Purple Face is still allowed to stay and go after the All-Time World Record.
This drama continues and spills back over into the same debates that have been repeated thousands of times over the past forty years.
WTF are those 2-3 things!
Lift. Live. Pass it on.