I went to Google and searched for "Purpose". Apparently it is first and foremost a Justin Bieber album. Literally, I had no idea!
According to Wikipedia "Purpose is the fourth studio album by Canadian singer and songwriter Justin Bieber. It was released on November 13, 2015, by Def Jam Recordings and School Boy Records."
According to Dictionary.com, though...
1. The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. An intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3. Determination; resoluteness.
4. The subject in hand; the point at issue.
5. Practical result, effect, or advantage:
to act to good purpose.
(verb) (used with object), purposed, purposing.
6. To set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself.
7. To intend; design.
8. To resolve (to do something):
He purposed to change his way of life radically.
Coming from my personal beliefs, I firmly believe that I was created to do certain things in The World. I believe that I was given A Purpose. Not only my RESOLVE to do it but the fact that I believe that this is the reason that I was created in the first place. Every gift has been given to me to achieve My Purpose but I must find the ways set out for me to use them.
One of the greatest things that confront us is "worry" that we will not get to where we want to be or that we will never find the way to get there. But there is no need to worry. I believe that I am meant to reach my full potential and I will be provided with all of the ways and means in which to do it, I just have to recognize it when it comes to me. I have to stay Focused!
I believe that if I focus on my Purpose with such concise precision that I shall never have to worry about where my next step shall land me because as long as I am focused on my purpose I will never fail. Every stepping stone will be laid out in front of me for me to stand on and to propel from.
But what keeps us stepping forward? What keeps us focused for a lifetime on our Purpose? Passion!
Dictionary.com also defines Passion by
1. Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
2 The object of such a fondness or desire:
Accuracy became a passion with him.
3. Strong sexual desire; lust.
4. An instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.
5. A person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
6. A strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything:
a passion for music.
7.. Archaic. the sufferings of a martyr.
8. An outburst of strong emotion or feeling:
He suddenly broke into a passion of bitter words.
9. Violent anger.
Passion. A powerful compelling emotion. Enthusiasm. Desire. Violent Anger.
While each of us are given a Purpose it will be our Passion which keeps us moving forward when others stop. It will be passion that makes us stand up one more time. It will be passion which will define if we won or if we lost. Passion can not be fully described but I can guarantee you that you will know it when you feel it. Heck, you will feel it if you are in the room with someone who has Passion. Real Passion.
Purpose is the reason you journey.
Passion is the fire that lights the way.