As I get older and more experienced, a lot of things seem to make more sense.
This one got away from me in my less experienced days.
I’d love to come up with my own cool phrase for it, but J.L. Holdsworth said it best:
“You have to meet people where they are.”
It’s a very simple concept and it applies to training, coaching and life in general.
Sometimes people are not ready to accept what you are offering.
They might not believe it is the best way for them to achieve the goal they set or get the end result they want. Instead of butting heads with them and forcing your idea down their throat, find a way to communicate. Or ask them to give you “x” weeks to show results.
A great example of this is the Dad who brings his son in to get faster out of the corners for hockey.
He tells you that his kid needs all kinds of speed and agility work, but in your eval you find the kid can’t do a pushup, or a body weight squat properly.
We know the kid will get faster by getting stronger, but damn you if try to explain this to the guy who watched some YouTube videos.
Instead of smashing heads with the Dad, just get him stronger and toss in some “Speed” work somewhere.
He is not ready to accept your expertise even though he came to you. I’ll never understand why this is a thing.
But it is.
Check your ego.
There are about a million other examples I can give, but you get it.
Meet people where they are.
Figure out how to deliver the best product to them that you can and win them over with results.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
January 16, 2020