Walking out the squat is one of the things I see done wrong more often than almost anything else.

It drives me crazy because it is the least technical thing about the lift and mistakes here WILL cost you pounds on the platform and can increase the risk of injury.

How many times have you seen someone take 3, 4 or 5 steps backwards out of the rack and the weight is whipping (please say the like Stuey from Family Guy with a long Whhhhip) around, even with as little as 300 on the bar?

If you are a big squatter the bar is going to whip when you walk out. The more it dances up and down on your back while you are waiting for a “Squat” command or to do your set, the more energy it takes away from you.

It also can cause the bar to slip out of position. This will affect your squat negatively as well.

Let’s review how you can improve your squat right away.

1. Set up with your hips directly under the bar and squeeze your upper back together as tight as you can. Then drive your back into the bar and lock your traps/shoulder blades in place.




Also wrong.

Also wrong.




2. Take it out of the rack by straightening your legs. Don’t arch it out or do a Good Morning.

Let it settle before you move.

Let it settle before you move.

3. Let the weight settle if it is bouncing.

4. Take 1 step back with your right leg (or your left leg if you prefer).

One step back. Settle.

One step back. Settle.

5. Settle.

6. Take 1 step back with the other leg.

Second step back. Settle.

Second step back. Settle.

7. Let the weight settle into you and stop bouncing around.

The rest is on you. Start squatting.

I am 100% sure that if you implement this into your squat you will see improvements right away.

Training Stuff

I haven’t written much about my training lately mostly due to time constraints. Getting the new location up and running is a full time job and writing has taken a back seat.

I have been keeping to my training schedule and following the same program although slightly modified as the TPS for Powerlifting crew.

Here is a sample of what I did today.

Bench 5x2 at an 8 RPE with 2 chains per side-I worked up to 205 with zero hip pain. The hip is slowly getting better and I am feeling a lot better.

After that it was an AMRAP set with the top weight without chains or the Contrast Method. I hit 8 reps before my hip cramped up and I shut it down.

Next, Close Grip Incline Bench with the Shoulder Saver bar for 5 sets of 8.

Belt Squat Rows with a Spud Inc. Towel strap super-setted with shrugs was next. I was supposed to do dumbbell work, but Russ was in the shirt and needed handoffs, so I modified the work, as the Belt Squat was right next to the benches.

Finally, I did a ton of pushdowns with a doubled mini band for a pump.

Not the most impressive session on this sight, but I was very happy with how my hip held up.

That’s all for this week.

Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header

Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.

Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett


Vincere vel mori

Total Performance Sports