Please excuse typo's, spelling errors and other mistakes. My grammar was bad to begin with and now that I can post these from my phone...well... it's not going to improve.
I have been training 3-4x per week but nothing really worth noting. When I do turn the corner and really get serious I will begin posting all my sessions. The key take away is even when I am not serious I am still making myself get into the gym and slowly adding a bit of volume each week.
Site Updates: We have been making some changes to the site. I do not want to say what we are working on or what will be changed when as I learned many years ago things break, get delayed and many times don't always work as intended. This site update was full of all three. The first priority was to get the the integration working right so there have been many changes already made that you don't see on the front end. Now we have begun to work on the front end. Here is what we have done so far this past week. Keep in mind these are easy changes so that is why they were done first. There are others being worked on that are not easy at all.
- We added our phone number to the header and footer - ya, we forgot to put our damn phone number on the front page! Well, it's there now
- We fixed the ability for the athletes and coaches to post videos
- We made the text on the front page for "current articles" a link to current articles
- We changed the default on the authors page to their logs instead of articles. This will make reading their logs 1000000000% easier.
- Added bread cums to the content side of the site
In the process of these items some other things got tossed a bit out or order but will be fixed within a day or so.
With the exception of Fri, Sat and Sun we are looking to push and fix 2-3 items per day until we get through the entire list.
The overall focus of all of this is to increase the site speed, navigation and search. Your feedback generated the list we are working from. Please note there are many items but we are always looking for more feedback so please keep it coming.
I will add the other updates as they happen with my regular log posts.
I am on this site everyday. I have noticed the changes and I think they are already making a huge positive impact.
The item below has been a tremendous change.
•We changed the default on the authors page to their logs instead of articles.
Reading the numerous logs before this change was arduous.
Keep up the good work!!