Get quality sleep! Eight hours. If you think you can get by on less and hope the caffeine and pre workout will fix you up the next day, well...YOU'RE WRONG!
Oh, you can't sleep at night? Turn off your stupid device. Research has shown that the back light of those little boxes of life sucking excites your brain by itself. Then when you add in all the stupidity and hateful bullshit that repeats itself everyday, well...let's just agree that it's not good for your soul.
Additionally, my nephew was preaching the virtues of a cold shower. WHAT? I hate being cold. BUT...I've been reading about the benefits of them from becoming a bit more comfortable with the sucky uncomfortable, to helping your immune system. (Good stuff)
Now hear this, I'm not jumping into a cold shower anytime soon. I like my warm ones to wash down. However, I will start with a cold blast to end it for now. Hoping to start with a 30 second ball shivering beginning and working up to the ability to jump into the blast without the need for any hot water.
That should save some water for sure. Aaaaahahahahahaha
Today's Team Training
Chest Supported Row: 5x13x50; 1x max rep x (a couple groups added substantial weight to keep the rep count between 30 and 65)
Put a bench on some boxes to get a stretch at the bottom. Complete rep was counted when the bar TOUCHED the bottom of the bench in line with your belly button. Rhythmic movement not too fast not too slow. Light touch on the spotting rails on the bottom and a graze of the bench.
Barbell Curl: 5x13x 25 lb for women 55 lb for men 1 x max rep
Barbell Supine Skull Crushers: 5x13x25 for women; 55 lb for men; 1 x max reps
AirDyne Sprints: 10x10 seconds ALL OUT! followed by a 50 second recovery.
Since it's only 10 seconds the intensity by which you hammer better be Olympian in effort.