Get out of your own way. Many times your not the best person to do the job and need to hire, trade, delegate or find someone else to do it for you.
Many times your ego is in the way. Nobody cares what you have achieved, only what you can do for them.
You can think whatever you want but you are no better than anyone else. You will realize this the older you get or the more people you meet.
The richest people in the World may not give two shits about you while many of the least wealthy would jump in front of a car to save your life.
Just because they say they care doesn’t mean they do. What their actions display speak louder than words.
Most of the stress you think you have had nothing to do with you and dreams in things you have no control of; meanwhile the things you can control are left untended.
You value in commerce has nothing to do with your experience or education - it’s 100% based on the value you provide others.
Your true value as a person has nothing to do with commerce.
Giving, passing on and forgiveness are the greatest and most rewarding gifts you can give YOURSELF.