I’m saying this first in hopes that it sinks in before everyone’s attention fades throughout this post! When you perform plyos, the ground contact time MUST be very short!! If your athletes have to stop and gather themselves between hurdles, double hop between hurdles, the jumps aren’t somewhat effortless and smooth or the athletes' knees cave in on each landing, you have to adjust or you are wasting everyone’s time. Hurdle height is meaningless! Yes, you want the athletes to put in good effort but if the hurdles are too high you will start seeing the things we just talked about and you are losing the desired training effect! This sounds very simple and basic but you can have the biggest impact on performance by making sure these basic things are done correctly! Please pay attention to them and FIX them! As a coach, you have to fix shit and teach! Don’t be a cheerleader who yells meaningless one-liners at athletes.
These are typically done as we are peaking for our big competition. Do not put these in early on in your programming. The only time this would work is if the hurdles were very low and the hops were VERY easy for the athlete. Easy to the point that the athlete can do the hurdles by just doing ankle hops over the hurdles. Start out with 3x5 trips and build up to 6x5.
1. Quick spring off the ground
2. Knees out or neutral when landing/ taking off.
Do those right and your plyos can have a big impact!