Friday was a blast.  No real PR's but a nice heavy weight on our backs squatting and dead lifts in the hand.  But a wonderful STEAK dinner was called for.  That combined with a ceviche type salad dressing made for the other side of spectacular meal that I made.

We got to bed kind of late so my early wake up came upon me FAST.

I wasn't feeling TOO creative, so I let my minimalist take over and came up with a FREAK'N BURNER of a session today.

Prowler and Pull ups.

Yup that's it!

We started with a 90 lb load on a Prowler and sprinted 10 x 40 yards then came inside for 115 pull ups.


One of my training partners sent a "thank you" on the social media for his shoulders popping.

Well, I told Tony that my right shoulder wants to vacation in Cabo while the rest of me heads on over to Maui.

I predict a bit of discomfort in the near future.  YIKES!