Real World Autism Awareness Tip #2—since it's the month for it.
Don’t be upset when I don't care about the latest autism "cure" you read online, saw on TV, heard on a podcast, found on the magazine rack or heard about from a friend.
“Hey, did you hear about [fill in the blank]? I think THIS could cure your son. You should check it out."
Yeah, I will get right on that because I'm sure you, the TV, or some BS online source knows more about my son than I do.
Oh, I didn't realize he was in need of a cure, but thank you!
Let's assume this resembles any truth. My son is 15 and has been "seeing sounds", "hearing colors" and "seeing the world" in his unique way his entire life.
So, let's have him eat some stupid acid rainforest tree root and BAM! He no longer hears or sees ANYTHING the way he knows.
This is supposed to be a cure?
Why is his ability to see the world differently in need of a cure ...
while out the other side of your mouth, you stand for "diversity”?
Yeah, gotcha!
While I can't speak for other parents, I am pretty sure we have enough other shit on our plates rather than spending our time chasing down every pop culture "cure”.
BUT, since you are so concerned and want to help, we could use a sitter next Friday night, or—maybe—read up on what ASD is.
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This type of stuff used to really piss me off as I do stay very educated with advances in this area. The majority of stuff put out there is pure crap designed to take advantage of those who are still struggling with acceptance, which is BS, but it is what it is. I’ve become indifferent to it all because I can only control what I can control, and what I can control is not the ignorant, but helping that kid who gets off the bus every day at 4:30pm.
More to come.
#elitefts #autism #autismawareness
A percentage of proceeds from all sales from @elitefts will be donated to Haugland Learning Center as part of Autism Awareness Month.