Here I am writing about how spectacular I am feeling from my current lower body issues. I am STOKED to write this. I should actually be stink'n embarrassed. ONE HUNDRED WHOLE FREAK'N POUNDS for the Squat? Holy dog poop, watch out! I might have me here a Gym Record for Raw Dog Raw Rehab'n Ef'n squats, with no belt, no shoes (ever) no wrap, and positively absolutely no freak'n weight either. But I am getting better.
Heck, I might just try out for the Olympics!
Squat with the Mastodon Bar: 10x10x100
GHR: 4x12
Suspended Knee Ups: 4x15
TVA Activation: 4x12
One Pin Axl Dead Lifts: 10x1x135
Speed Skater Knee Abduction vs. Bands: 4x25
103 degrees in California yesterday made the gym upon opening 89 degrees at 4:00 AM.
Needless to say, I turned on all the fans and got to the sweat of it. It was kind of good to be back in the desert on a horse with no name.
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