I can usually explain things quite easily and understand the reasons why things happen when it comes to my training, diet/condition, etc.. I mean, it's what I have done for a very long time so, quite frankly, I SHOULD be able to explain it. Sometimes, though, I just shake my head and think, "how in the hell can this be the outcome/reaction?"
The harder I hit a muscle group - week after week - the less sore I am. Well, not necessarily less sore as much as I am not sore as long. Where I would normally have sore legs for 2 or 3 days after a crippling leg session, it is 1 or MAYBE 2 right now. I can be ridiculously sore but my recovery right now is just off the charts.
For this reason, I am still hitting some muscle groups twice a week with higher volume (high volume for me, anyway) and in situations like this in the past, I would eventually end up overtrained in less than a handful of weeks. Just is not happening right now.
I am sure that the added calories are helping but ... if I am being honest, the calories that I would EXPECT to help me recover at this rate, I would think would need to be much higher. I mean, yes, I increased my caloric intake but ... not THAT much and I certainly wouldn't have thought that 400 or so calories would increase recovery as well as it has - yet it has.
I am STARTING to add some body fat. It isn't much and it is slowly creeping up so it isn't like I will wake up tomorrow and go, "That sucks, "I'm fat". Still, I an realistic and I am seeing my lower back thicken up just a bit and I am losing a small amount of detail. At the same time, I am not terribly concerned because my strength right now is still climbing and I feel like I am growing. MASSIVE, skin splitting pumps no matter what I train and even when I am training a body part for the second time that week.
What really sucks is my metabolism isn't what it used to be so as much as I sometimes wonder what I could do if I could just push my calories up and carry more body fat, I just can't bring myself to do it. Why? I would look like a pig. I would get fat titties, fat lower back and look pregnant from all of the food. Dead sexy, I know. I just cannot bring myself to do it.
On the other hand, I shouldn't complain. I am growing quite well on minimal increase in calories and I am growing on TRT dosing. My blood is good and I am healthier than I have been in a very long time. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that the grass that looks greener from this side, is fake-ass, green patio carpet. Basically, it's a mirage.
I will stay the course.
Have a great weekend.