I tweaked my back (again) along with some pretty painful hips. Not sure if it's artho or a psoas that doesn't cooperate.
Regardless, as I was training this VERY early morning (I couldn't sleep because of a thousand "fixing the issue" thoughts) I was remembering the line from "Act of Valor". At the beginning one of the main characters was reading a note to a boy who's Dad was KIA. One particular line (as often is the case) jump out at me and got imbedded into the archives of my mind.
He said. "... the worst thing about growing old was that other men stop seeing you as dangerous…I’ve always remember that how being dangerous was sacred, a badge of honor. You live your life by a code. An ethos, every man does. It’s your shoreline. It’s what guides you home and trust me, you’re always trying to get home."
Whenever anyone asks me upon greeting me for the day..."How are you?" I always reply...DANGEROUS. I do believe that as you think and articulate, you become.
I didn't think of my early morning as "Rehab" for my tweaks, but more like a proper plan to increase the strength of my weakness'.
I was feeling quite a bit more aggressive and being PRO-Active has me Growling for a spectacular day, rather than whimpering and licking my wounds.
Rule #67 is and always will be in effect.
Today's TRAINING!!!
As a circuit:
1. Suspended Knee Ups: 10 reps
2. GHR: 10 reps
3. 45 degree Back Extension: 10 reps
4. Reverse Hyper: 10 reps
X 10 sets.
I must say, driving home was interesting as my erectors and glutes were in serious hydraulic lock up.