The Relentless Family is something special. It's more than Powerlifting. It's connecting with families and kids and making an impact. It's making kids smile. It's giving them HOPE.
I lifted as a Relentless lifter in 2014 and 2015. I was able to lift for the same family two years in a row. Caleb is a young boy with Chiari and is the sweetest kid.
These kids are fighters. They are brave and strong.... Strong(ER) than you can imagine. And are truly amazing kids.
Relentless is taking place this weekend. If you've never been to watch, please go. Your spirits will be lifted. Go, interact with the families. They thoroughly enjoy the interaction from the lifters.
If you are unable to go, please donate. Several times, they've raised over $200K and they are on pace to hit that again. Be a part of something great. Thank you!!