The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
THIS WEEK’S Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: RELENTLESS TRAINING
Sometimes one powerlifts for the love of lifting, sometimes to test their mettle in competition, sometimes to chase titles or records, but sometimes one powerlifts for those who can’t and perhaps that is the most noble of reasons….. Here is what we mean….
This past weekend has been a whirlwind with a trip out of state and other pressing issues and that delayed our weekly Coaching Log a few days. That being said, if you are a follower of our EliteFTS/M.G.G.-Maroscher Coaching Log, I think you will find this log worth the wait.
This week we are sharing with you some inspired shirted bench training featuring some of the best benchers/powerlifters in the Illinois/Wisconsin area training together for a singular purpose. At the M.G.G. our mantra is, Become A Part Of Something BIGGER Than You. In this case, these benchers/powerlifters are training for something they are a part of that is, in fact, much, much bigger than any of them individually. They are training for a charity meet known as RELENTLESS, a part of Hopekids, whose mission is to “...restore hope and transform the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions, their families and the communities in which we serve.”
In short, how this works is the lifters have qualified/been chosen to compete in this power-event and during the process of their training for this meet, they are collecting donations for the charity. In most cases, the lifters have been matched up with a child who is facing a life threatening, most often, incurable medical conditions. As the lifters will tell you, in all cases, the children are far strong(er) than any of the lifters. For example, one of our featured lifters in this Coaching Log video, (WPC World Powerlifting Champion, 1,000LB squatter, 800LB bencher), Steve Brock will be lifting for “Team Charlotte.” In Steve’s words, “I have the honor of lifting for Charlotte a beautiful 5 year old girl.” Steve will tell you that her inner strength at 5 years, as well as the inner strength of the other children being served by this charity/meet are strong(er) than any bencher, squatter or deadlifter that will be competing, as strong(er) isn't always about the amount of weights lifted, but the ability to persevere through the sheer weight of their situation. These children are looking at the ultimate challenge and do so with grace, poise and while maintaining their hope and dignity. If only we as a society, could carry ourselves like that, our world would be an amazing and beautiful place.
As the owner of Monster Garage Gym and as a powerlifter who has spent, coming up on three decades, in a competitive atmosphere, I have enjoyed training for meets and watching others train for meets. Watching the Relentless lifters (we have several at the M.G.G. not all are featured in this particular log) train for this charity is both a joy and a source of pride. I say that because there is not a day, not one single solitary day that goes by when we as a collective society don’t hear in person, or read online, able-bodied people, with not one health or life-threatening issue to either themselves or their family, finding some insignificant thing to gripe, complain or illuminate with their negative energy. I often find myself thinking, “What a health-issue-free life these folks must have as they have the ability to find, then waste, the time on the negative vs seeing the positives all around them.
Watching the Relentless lifters train for these children, you can see that the lifters get it. They fully grasp that juxtaposition of the aforementioned life-complainers and these life-savoring children. They get it that the children nor their families would ever utter a negative word or mean statement because they know how precious life is. The audacity is not lost on them that that these children are living for every moment with their families, while others in society waste large portions of their days, squandering their non-health-afflicted lives.
The side purpose of this Coaching Log is to provide some inspirational training, and also to point out the obvious, and that is that when life is good, it is often easy to forget what the target is (live, learn and pass on) but rather to find the negative. But the main purpose is to present you with an opportunity for you to become a part of something bigger than yourself and consider matching the money you might spend this weekend on pizza with friends and click the donate here link and put that equivalent amount of money toward this event if your financial means allow for this. At the end of the day, most likely you won’t miss that cash, but collectively, the donations from the lifters who can click and donate, will play a huge role for kids like Steve’s Charlotte.
Equipment featured in this week’s coaching log:
EliteFTS Deluxe Bench Press
EliteFTS Sabertooth Bench Bar
EliteFTS Squatter Proloc Collars
*Training Video features: Steve Brock, Matt Houser, Barzen Vaziri, Pat Crawford
You can find ALL of the prior EliteFTS/Maroscher Coaching Logs/articles HERE:
MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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