When I look around and see how most use the word responsibility, it’s no wonder so many fall short of their objectives.
Responsibly isn’t about who’s at fault or who’s to blame. I’m not “fucked up” because my parents made me that way. I’m not damaged because of this or that situation or person. The way I am today is nobody’s fault. I’m an adult, or at least try to be.
We get caught up in these games of who is responsible, but when you look at the word:
Response -> Ability
We are left with our own ability to respond. This is a choice we make. We can respond one way or another, as well as not responding at all (that is really still a response). It didn’t take me that long to know I could choose my physical response to a situation, but it did take me longer to really realize that I DO also control my emotional response.
This doesn’t mean that we are never victims, never get stepped on, cheated, ripped off, taken advantage of and so on. It also doesn’t mean not to get upset about it or to not stand up for what you feel is right.
Responsibility means taking a moment to think of the response that you have the ability to make and to do so with the values you believe to be true.
This is responsibility.