Saturday EARLY (Pacific Time) Morning is for ME! I go to the gym to address the things that aren't up to par with the rest of me...including my brain game.
As I was taking my Combat Chassis through its paces the thought of every action has one of only TWO outcomes.
Either you will find a RESULT which is a positive outcome, or a CONSEQUENCE, which is a 180 degree difference.
Then, I thought...it all depends, however, on the perspective of the player.
What one person my view as a "win" to another person is a total failure.
Things happen!
Where do you find yourself on the spectrum?
Might I add...Your tattoo says "Only God can Judge", yet here I am!
Wide Mag Bar Pulldown: 5 sets: 20-18-16-14-12 reps with ascending weight
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 5x12
Wide Grip C/S Row: 5 sets: 20-18-16-014-12 reps with ascending weight again
Ab Wheel Roll Outs: 5x12
Mag V Bar Pulldown: 5 sets: 20-18-16-14-12 reps with ascending weight
Free Motion Wood-chops: 5x12 each side with a shit ton of weight
Reverse Hyper: 5x12 slow and controlled with a three count pause at peak of contraction