You can find more seminar info HERE - HERE - HERE and can be looking out for seminar clips and Podcasts from the weekend HERE.
I have been writing a blog post every day going all the way back to September and to be honest, couldn't think of anything else to write today so I thought it would be cool to show how our seminar review process works.
I have surveyed every seminar I have ever done. I wrote "I" becuase this goes back to 1997 and sending these out in self-address stamped envelops. Today it is "We" survery every one we do. There are some questions that are the same for each one that we can use as a base of comparison over time.
All but one or two are worded and set up in a way to see what we can do better. We usually know several things we can improve on so its interesting to see if they were noticed or not - however there are always those we didn't know about that these surveys help to showcase.
Another note is if the response rate to the survey is under 40% the entire survey becomes invalid to be and we need to look at everything as it needs improvement. On this note everything can always be improved but if some things really POP on the survey those need to be addressed first.
At this time we are close to that 40% so we can begin to read meaning into this. Before begining we already know based on the lack of attendance over the past 3 events that the future of how we conduct events needs to change. How? This is TBD and these surveys will be a big part of it.
Interesting this is always over 95%, yet with a list of over 1000 past attendents we only had a handful sign up for this event. This may be a question we will exit from the survey or reword in a way to provide us with better insight. This is still great to see.
This is another one that always hits 90% or more saying the event was worth more than the evestememt. This lets us know that our pricing is on point and any short fall in attendence wasn't due to that but marketing.
Oh, we also do not ask names of any of those filling this out as we want honestly more than testomonials - - but we do still ask for a testominal
One of my favorite questions was asked Saturday night. The question was 'When do you cut ties with a negative client.' Both JL, Joe, and Eric provided real life examples of why you don't want to 'prune a rose bush prior to letting it get buds.' JL gave the example of a unatlethci kid who was ridiculed, how it affected his business, and how he dealt with the employee who treated the child in a negative manner. Eric provided the example of giving birth to a cow...and how that unpaid act of kindness lead to more business. Joe gave the example of a surgical consultant who was a tough client. She was unwilling to discuss diet/weight at first but eventually did, and lost weight. That in turn extended her career. Joe was given a difficult client, and could have phoned in the training sessions. He didn't, and by working though her issues he helped extend her career, and live a better life. I have forgotten some of the training ques, but I didn't forget the stories/positive mental attitude of those at the seminar. ....very poor grammar. Sorry. Take care!
5/7/2019 11:25 AM
The elitefts Summit was amazing in so many ways! I would most definitely go to another event! Great presenters with amazing knowledge! Good workshops. It was organized and very well ran!
5/7/2019 11:20 AM
I have been attending seminars and clinics put on by Dave since the mid 1990's back at the old Westside Barbell and he never fails to give quality products to his people. This year being sponsored by Monster was outstanding. The speakers hit n a high variety of topics that we entertaining to listen to as well educational..
5/7/2019 11:11 AM
I'd like to give thanks to Dave Tate and Team Elitefts for one of the best and most educational seminars I've been to.
5/7/2019 9:58 AM
After watching so many videos of most of these people I realized those only scratch the surface and meeting them in person is so much better
5/7/2019 8:45 AM
Working with Dave Tate on technique and cues allowed to me to increase my bench 30 POUNDS in one day & feel things during my basic compounds lifts I never have before.
5/6/2019 6:11 PM
This was worth 100x more than I spent to go. I would never miss another one again!
5/6/2019 5:39 PM
Rubbing shoulders with the best in the business isnt something you can put a proce tag on, but elite fts has found a way to do it at amazing value for time spent. Love and will keep loving it.
5/6/2019 4:48 PM
I gave one on camera at the event, but I'll say it again here: the environment alone is worth the price of admission. I learned lots just listening to conversations before the event started. There is nothing better than being in a room full of people committed to getting better and helping others do the same.
5/6/2019 4:21 PM
As we were pulling out of the parking lot, my staff said, "I don't want to leave," "that was the better than any collegiate summit," and "I would have paid double for that."
5/6/2019 4:08 PM
This was my third seminar in a row I've gone to put on by EliteFTS and every time they outdo themselves. Great speakers, incredible service and a ton of education! You'll be hard-pressed to find seminars to this caliber anywhere else.
5/6/2019 4:06 PM
I learned more in this weekend than I have at any other seminar I've been to. Very practical information that can be taken back home with me to use myself and with my training group.
5/6/2019 3:18 PM
I loved the entire weekend at EliteFTS and I didn’t want it to end. I felt like I was a part of something great. Everyone from the athletes to the speakers truly showcased what it means to live, learn, and pass on. I left with a handful of reminders and new knowledge to bring home, and I am very happy for the chance to attend. I will be at every event going forward that is offered.
5/6/2019 3:17 PM
It was great, it was my first seminar that I’ve attended it had more validation behind it because the speakers presenting live through what they presented not just scholars who study the material with little real world experience.
5/6/2019 3:11 PM
I was fortunate to be able to attend the Elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training & Success Summit in London, Ohio at the the Efts compound. Throughout the event I was exposed to multiple lifelong trainers of which I was able to gain priceless knowledge from. The employees of Elitefts were extremely well trained and accommodating of all of the event attendees. I would love to attend another event hosted by Efts soon and would definitely recommend it to colleagues.
5/6/2019 3:07 PM
Elitefts always shines in the field of education and providing a chance for coaches and athletes to gain as much knowledge as possible. I will be back to the next event they have without a doubt.
5/6/2019 2:35 PM
Dave puts on a great event and goes all out to make sure it's an experience you can learn and grow from. I love this summit and will come back every year.
5/6/2019 2:28 PM
When I think about that weekend, I start crying. It was a very big weekend for me for many reasons. I walked in with an open mind and heart and both were filled by the time I left. It was way more of a retreat than a seminar because my body, mind and spirit all got stronger. It's worth WAY more than the fees we were charged.
5/6/2019 2:09 PM
I’m a team member, so I’m biased, but the usability and applicability of the information that comes from any EliteFTS seminar is fantastic. The presenters genuinely care about our success as attendees and people and you don’t feel like you’re being sold something or given limited information that then prompts a “buy my program to learn more.” I took so much away from this seminar that will help our practice.
5/6/2019 1:52 PM
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Love the @elitefts summit - one of my favorite events to look forward to each year! @underthebar lives by “Live, Learn, and Pass it on.” This event undoubtably has had a positive impact on my young S&C Coach career and I am blessed to learn from some of the best! First class event - highly recommend! A post shared by Bulldog Athletic Performance (@coachsmith0410) on
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The @elitefts Stronger(er) Sports Training and Success Summit a couple weeks ago was amazing. Couple quick thoughts:⠀ ⠀ - In the fitness industry, we're in business first and foremost to help people make their lives better. @elitefts and @underthebar exemplify this mindset. If you're in the industry and you aren't genuinely concerned with making lives better, get out. We don't want or need you.⠀ ⠀ - Nothing beats hard work for a long period time. Not months, but years of hard work. There are no shortcuts to anything worth having.⠀ ⠀ - Education is the gateway to success, in business, training, and life.⠀ ⠀ I'll be back next year.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #personaltrainer #militaryfitness #nashvillefitness #personaltraining #police #policefitness #elitefts #tacticalfitness #thinblueline #backtheblue #tactical #coaching #policeacademy #fitpolice #nashvillefitness #nashvillegyms #policeofficer #firstresponder #nashvillelifestyle #fitnessnashville #nashvillepersonaltrainer #militaryfitness #nashvilletennessee #fitnessmotivation #benchpress #musiccity #musiccityfitness #musiccityfit #squat⠀ A post shared by Mike Thompson (@mjttraining) on