OK, I say this all the time, but my time has been at a premium last week, this week, and for the foreseeable future.
Thong and speedo season is coming and it seems everyone wants a nutrition consult.
This is great for my bottom line but not for me getting to write these sweet coaching logs. I like to work on these for a day, step away and tweak it so you get internet gold. That hasn’t been the case lately.
I’ve got so much I want to write about my head is going to explode, so I’ll start now by answering the riddle I proposed in the title.
Riddle me this: What do Sheiko, Koklyaev, Hatfield and Bryant have in common?
Answer: They all are coming to TPS in the very near future.
I have been lucky enough in my 26 plus years in this industry to develop a great network and that helps me get the best presenters to come to TPS. In the past I’ve had everyone from Rob Kaman to the EliteFTS crew here for seminars and 2015 is looking pretty huge.
Next Saturday, April 18th, Dr. Squat-Fred Hatfield and Josh Bryant (of TeamEliteFTS) are coming to TPS to do a FREE to our members and friends seminar on getting brutally strong and fast.
The ISSA is sponsoring this seminar so that we can offer it at no cost.
That’s pretty awesome.
I was also contacted a few months ago by my friend Yasha Kahn and he asked if I would be interested in having Boris Sheiko and Mikhail Koklyaev here for their first USA appearance on the Russian Strength seminar series.
Am I interested?
Hell yeah I am interested.
Russia’s only Powerlifting professor and one of the arguably nicest and strongest guys on the planet here for a seminar peaked my interest. I said yes of course.
Russian Strength Seminars will focus on powerlifting with the following format:
- Principals of Sheiko programming for strength, writing an effective program for building a base and preparing for competition
- Psychology of a champion, psychology of successful training
- Training Demonstration
- Technique critique and troubleshooting
- Putting everything into practice
- Q&A
I’ll have all of the details for registration on my Facebook page and site within the week.
OK, on to some training stuff.
My ladies in the TPS Method for Powerlifting took a week off after the met and are now fresh and ready to, as Vincent would say, SFW.
They are entering a heavy block of volume since their next meet will be the TPS/RPS meet in October.
The first week of training looks like this for them:
Day 1-Squat
1. Squat w/ 1 chain 3x6 RPE 7
2. Split Squat 5x8 each leg
3. GHR 50
4. Hanging Leg Raise 50
Day 2-Bench
1. Bench 5x4 RPE 7 /1 Chain
2. DB Floor Press 4x12 AHAP +
Face Pulls amap for pump
3. BB Rows & Shrugs 5x12
4. Band Pushdowns 75 +
DB Curls 12
Day 3-Deadlift
1. DL 4x5 RPE 7
2. Opposite DL 3x8 (if you pull sumo, do this conventional and vice versa)
3. Backward Sled Drag/AHAP 100 ft. + Reverse Hyper 15-20 x4
4. Ab Wheel 5x12
Day 4-Press
1. Log Clean and Press 4x10
2. Incline DB Press 3x12 +
Tate Press 3x12
3. Band Pullups no less than 12 +Straight Leg Sit Up w/weight 5 x4
4. DB Rows 12 each + Hammer Curls 12 x 4
5. Turkish Get Up 4x1
That's a lot of volume.
They can't help but get strong.
We will also be adding in FORCED movement prep and recovery as a group since they don't do it on their own no matter how much we tell them how important it is.
That's all for this week.
If you are interested in attending the ISSA seminar go to my page and register quick. EliteFTS readers are always welcome at TPS.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett
Vincere vel mori