I woke up this morning and began my day like I always do. While contemplating Life and other news worthy reads I came across what I can only describe as a Eulogy.
It became more apparent that one of the coaches that I share my gym with took his life only last night. I'm not privy to any of the details, but what I came out of this today for me was to TAKE the necessary time for PEOPLE.
RJ and I spoke and greeted each other daily, but I never got beyond the happy greetings we would share. A smile, a pat on the ass and a "go get'em champ" That was our relationship. I sit here thinking "what did I miss?" What could I have done to help this man and his journey? I know we all have our assignments, and this one might not be mine, but how many ARE that I miss simply because I have "someplace else to be"?
Is it so hard to slow down my own pace (which is far slower than a LOT of people) to lend an ear? Give more friendly words? Regardless, this is my wake up call to do so. I don't mean to let people walk on you, or waste your time, but what is so hard about an acknowledging smile, a warm greeting to sit with someone YOU don't know?
How many "angels" do we pass by and miss a true blessing that was suppose to come our way?
Here is the post that was well written by another friend of RJ's and mine.
Kirian Fitzgibbons:
t's with a heavy heart, that we say a final goodbye to our beloved Boxing Coach RJ Karstan. Combat Sports can be beautiful and brutal journey for those that chose the life of a warrior. It can elevate you and it can crush you... if you let it. RJ saw all of these highs and lows throughout his time ... boxing was his savior, his tormentor and his defined his life... the good and the bad. As many demons as he fought in and out of the ring, he helped countless people pursue and achieve their dreams and goals...no matter what he faced in his life his pure love of Boxing always remained. Today, RJ chose to end his life..... I do not judge him, I simply miss him. My only wish is I hope he has finally found peace from the internal battles that he has been fighting since retiring from the sport he loved. I also hope he found some joy and purpose while he was part of our CSA family. We will continue to honor RJ here at CSA and while he can never be replaced ... we will continue our Boxing Program not without him, but in his memory. This is what he would want... to help people find the same love of combat sports he had... with a support system thatpicks you up when the world try's to knock you down. God Bless you RJ ... Rest in Peace
Shoulder Press: 12x12x55
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20
Shrugs: 4x10x315
4 way neck: 1x25x5.0
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50%
Cable Cross Over: 4x12x60
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x35-28-18
DB Incline Press: 2x25x60