I train a few Police Officers at my gym. These fellas are the type I would definitely stop to help them if I saw them in a "jam". Good guys that matter.
Today they were teaching me about the DARK SIDE of the San Francisco Bay area. With the Super Bowl coming to town, the "serendipitous" enterprises are also popping up. In other words the SEX TRADE SHOW is open for business and they were telling me that BUSINESS IS GOOD.
With the increase prostitution and porn there is also the underworld of that business and that is the Trafficking and Trade.
Now the "Oldest Profession" is not going away, but what I didn't know was that the Bay Area is a HOT bed for the TRAFFICKING. I sat and thought...WHOA! That's the bad stuff. Underage kids, young people that aren't willing, SLAVES!!!
I was also enlightened to the language. I would be called a Romeo Daddy that could totally Gorilla Daddy if I needed to. What is that you ask? A soft spoken PIMP that mind controls the workers (or the "family members" or the "Bottom B!tches" that can turn into a physically abusive PIMP if need be. (I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not)
But I was also made aware that the emotional aspects were taken out of the equation as long as the tattoo "M.O.B" was etched into the skin of the "Daddy". Which means "Money over B!tches".
There are also WEB SITES to become more verse in the underworld language: Like urban dictionary and Online Slang Dictionary. (people really talk like this?)
One of the Police officers sent me to this site for more information about the growing concern and the story that begins in 1998 when U.S. Congresswoman Linda Smith traveled into the heart of the brothel district in Mumbai, India where she witnessed the brutal exploitation and sexual slavery of women and children. She established Shared Hope International to rescue and restore women and children enslaved in sex trafficking. here in the San Francisco Bay and other major cities in the U.S. , check it out for yourself: http://sharedhope.org/
Huh! What started out as a fun journaling of today's activities just got deadly serious. I'm not much into being solemn and depressing, BUT I guess this is a part of growing issue that no one addresses until it gets CLOSE to HOME!
Evil is out there...(here).
DB 10/2 shoulder raise with shrug: 4x12x15 Thumbs point to the ceiling as the hands are held in a neutral position in the 10:00 o'clock and 2:00 o'clock plane. Raise the DB up and at the point of hands even with the shoulders, pause. At this point SHRUG the shoulders into a nice tight scapular elevation. HOLD then un shrug and then return the weight to your front pocket position.
DB Shoulder Crank: 4x8x20
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20
"Ys": 3x12x5
4 way neck: 1x12x6.5
Shrugs: 4x12x500