The meet is done and in the books.
My team of lovely ladies in the TPS Method for Powerlifting competed this weekend in Connecticut at the RPS New England Revolution.
We lift primarily RPS for a few reasons:
-Gene and Amy run a great meet. It’s well organized, moves quickly and has great equipment. It’s not as good as the stuff we had at the APF meet outfitted by EliteFTS, but it is very good.
-It’s a fun organization and attitudes are not tolerated. It’s pretty much douchebag free.
-The music sounds just like my IPod.
-There are a lot of RPS meets in the New England are and it makes it easy to compete.
-The judging is great too.
Anyway, we had 9 members of our team lift as well as adding one lady that I used to train who lives out of state now and it was the first meet for all but one of them.
We repped TPS and EliteFTS with uniforms consisting of Team TPS t shirts and custom printed Metal singlets.
Here’s how they did:
Lindsay “Snooki” Costa: 170, 100, 240/510
Deb “Debs” Gaudreau: 150, 85, 235/470
Priscilla “Socialla” Alemanas: 170, 120, 230/520
Megan “Spinach Teeth” Herrington: 170, 90, 235/495
Polly “Pockets” Heater: 185, 105, 260/550
Nicole “Giggs” Giggie: 215, 110, 275/600
Anna “Dum Dum” Mekerian: 205, 140, 260/605 (All meet PR’s-not her 1st rodeo)
Laurie “Diva” Labiessiere: 245, 125, 275/645
Liz “Poison Applebottom” Wahlman: 275, 115, 320/710
Rose “Stinky Feet” Solomon: 170, 100, 225/495
Coach Russ Smith and I run the group and handled the ladies for the meet. We set their lifts very conservatively. Our intent was to have them go 9 for 9 at the first meet to build confidence.
Openers were treated as the last warm up, so they were light. It never ceases to amaze me to see people miss their openers. This happened a few times. They had “coaches” too.
Openers are to get you in the meet, not set PR’s. It actually took us a while to convince the team of this. A few were a little put off at opening so light.
Once they saw a few miss openers they got it.
The girls did great. Everything was a PR for them in two ways: it was the first meet, except Anna, so they set actual meet PR’s, and they all beat their best gym lifts.
They were all really excited after seeing the white lights too.
I cannot say how proud I am of all of them for their hard work and dedication. They busted their butts in the gym, trained like a team and competed like a team. Russ did an outstanding job too.
We had a few 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place finishers, even hitting 1st, 2nd and 3rd in one class.
They all are pumped to begin their training for the TPS/RPS October meet here in Everett too.
We are going into a Volume block for the next 8 weeks and will be adding in the Yoke Bar for a bit as well as some chains too.
I expect to see huge PR’s on the platform in October.
That's all I have time for this week. We have a ton of stuff going on here at TPS including putting the final touches on our new youth program, the TPS Method for Athletes and I barley found the time to write this!.
I'll have more training stuff for you next week.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett #bostonsstrongest
Vincere vel mori
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