So I’ve spent the entire day going back and forth between the new building and the current one, sitting in staff meetings, and trying to get a bench session in. It all started this morning at 9:00 am when I went to the new space. I’ve been pretty jacked up because it seems like there is never anything going on over there.
It is almost painted and once we get permits the small construction projects will get finished fast.
After that, lighting, finish plumbing, a little tile and then building inspections. Once that is all done, we should be home free. We are hoping to move before Thanksgiving.
That quick.
If all the stars line up we will be smashing weight around Turkey time.
RPS Powerlifting MEET
I don’t have a full accounting of everyone’s performance right now, but I can tell you that our ladies did very well.
Everyone hit PR’s and a few girls pulled 300 pounds or more for their first time.
I know Liz pulled 325 at 181, Laurie pulled 300 at 148 and Sabra pulled 325 at 132 (but weighed in at 127-she will be in the 123’s next time or I’ll eat my hat.)
I will give you all a listing of the weight the ladies hit next week when time is not at as much of a premium as it is today. Things are getting busier this week with all the construction and I barely made this entry.
That’s all for this week.
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Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett
Vincere vel mori