When I directed the Employee Fitness Programs at a Major Corporation many years ago, the Office Administrator came over to my desk and handed me a BOOK with all the possible things that were considered "Sexual Harassment" or "Conduct Unbecoming" saying..."Here are ALL the rules you have broken. Read the document and sign it so I can get it back to HR and they know you understand". I told her that I'd take care of it.
As I was walking through the main lobby on my way to HR, I passed the reception desk and that's when the Receptionist called out..."Hey Harry, I didn't recognize you with your clothes on". I looked at the guest waiting in the lobby who craned around to see who she was talking to, when I responded, I'm the company Giglio. Everyone had a nice laugh. (Shorts and T shirt are acceptable garb in the fitness center, but when going to other parts of the building they preferred the staff to dress at least business casual, which I didn't)
I gave the document (book) back to the V.P. of HR and then signed the paper. SHE then looked at me and said, "Tis a sad day, eh?" to which my retort was...On the contrary, Now is the time for STEALTH maneuvers and clandestine operations. Now in the closet with ya, Toots! We both laughed at that as well.
To this day, I get to "Selkow Approve" butt cheeks, hug people hello and goodbye, and sneak kisses every now and again.
BUT...I go home to my Bride! I only "DANCE" with her.
She came to know it (a story for another time) and understands that it is who I am! I mean no harm by the flirtatious acts I perform daily with ALL that are my "friends". But why wouldn't you court people? Why wouldn't you feel attracted to those that you ARE attracted to and are in turn comfortable with YOU?
EVERYONE knows that I will push the envelope, but never do I break the seal. (If you saw my wife, you'd understand. She's a Major Babe with an IQ of Ten Billion)
The flirt is ok. But NEVER go over the line! When the music is playing, make sure you are Dancing with the one you came to the dance with!
Today's Training:
Mountain Dog Row: 4x8x75
Dead Stop D.B. Row: 4x8x100
Hex Bar Shrug: 3x15x275
V bar attachement Stretchers: 4x8
Dips: 10x15
Chins: 10x5