I know, I know...How can I be so calloused? I'm not! I hear a lot of news that is not good news or issues that weigh a person down.
Coaching is Mentoring, so you will get people who will "throw up" on you. It's part of the job description.
What is NOT part of the job is letting other people's issues sapping your energy.
I lend listening ears, but when I find myself having to make a decision of making myself or my family suffer because I am stooping over to fix another person's issue, then I MUST draw the line.
I won't make the other person feel like they are inadequate, or less but I do let them know that I have reached the limit of what I am capable of.
I found myself one night (long ago) laying awake at night when I should have been asleep, wondering how I could FIX a certain issue a person was having. This person I knew, but wouldn't consider them a "friend". I tossed and turned without a solution, when it occurred to me, why the fuck doesn't this guy pull his pants up and get his shit together? It wasn't MY job, but he had given me the task and I didn't agree to it, yet I was making it mine.
No! He needed to figure this out.
I called him and he told me that I woke him. REALLY? This is was a time that when you wanted to disconnect the phone you could SLAM it down, instead of hitting an "off" button really hard.
If he didn't care enough to stay awake and this was HIS problem, then why am I????
That's when I adopted the Rule #12 Don't make other people's problems, MY problem.
I gave this fella back his ownership of his own issues and bowed out gracefully and without emotion.
Today's Training:
Bench Press:
Work up to a tough set of 10 reps. Yea, I know that a lot.
then do three additional sets of 10 at that weight.
Dips: 3 sets of as many as you can do. I was trying to hit 100 dips per set. Unfortunately it went: 75,68. and then I fell apart with 38
Twisting Dumbell Bench Press: 3x10x80
Stoopid Heavy DB Lateral Raise:
These are only about a 4-6" range of motion: 3x30x75
Shrugs: 3x12x365
4 way neck: 1x15x6.0