Now that summer is here, I have Rule#15 implemented in my program.
If you are a male and have less than 18 inch arm circumference, then you NEED to cover them. No tank shirts, wife beaters or the likes. A 15 inch arm is NOT impressive no matter how many years you have been training.
It doesn't matter how HOT it is in the gym...You're NOT!
Along with that comes the shirtless wonders. As in I wonder what they are thinking??? The moment you begin to sweat is NOT the indicator to strip off the shirt and show the gym and anyone that will look, how buffed you are.
I don't wear much clothing at HOME...but I cover up in the gym. I consider myself in "OK" shape (and not just for an old man) yet the fellas that are compelled to rip that shirt off have me laughing AT them as their muffin tops or belt fat and moobs move in different directions. Oh...and if you consider yourself RIPPED to SHREDS? Well...fuck, you only weigh 140 lbs. You look ridiculous.
On the other hand, for women...YOU only need to cover up if you are Jabba the HUT size. Even the zoftig ones look good the closer they get to nakedness.
My Grandfather was my mentor and he told me that there are only two types of women..."Good, and Better"! You figure it out which one is which.
Today's Training:
Dynamic Squat: 10x2@50%
Dead Lift: 10x1 @ the same weight
GHR: 5x10
Sprints: 10x40 yards