I write on the board daily. I write for EliteFTS daily...If I take the time to write it, then please take the time to read it BEFORE asking me "what do you want me to do?" My answer will always be the same...Go read the board.
Additionally, since I type most of the stuff you see on line from me, you can bet that when that spell check red line appears, I go back and change the spelling.
Unfortunately for you readers, I write like I speak. I added a Grammar Check thing to my computer to correct some of my sentences before I hit the send button. It was free. I'm almost better with folks who misuse things like To, Two, and Too or Affect vs. Effect, but if you sound like an idiot in every sentence you speak or write, I can only think "You, Me, fail English? Thats Unpossible!"
The English language is vast and it is delectable when using verbs, nouns, adverbs and pronouns. Use of the word "very" is forbidden in my house.
READ more! Increase your vocabulary. USE the English language the way it was meant to be.
"Say what one more time. I dare you! I double dog dare you motherfucker!!!"
Today's Training:
Push ups: 5x10
Pec Minor Dips: 3x20
DB Chest Press: 4x10x75 + mini band wrapped around the bench and into the hands
Cable Fly: 4x10x50
Bentover DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x15x25
Shrugs: 4x12x365
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10x25
Cable Face Pulls: 3x20x100