I've said nothing is as important as the person in front of you. See Rule 7.
To that end, I always look at the person I am having a conversation with in the eyes.
The eyes are the windows of the soul.
When I am talking to a person, and I capture their gaze, I can tell a lot from that. Do they hold my stare? Do they become uncomfortable and start to look around? What direction do they look. Up to the left or down to the left? Up or down to the right? You can tell if they are responding to an inquiry with recall or are they making it up as they go?
I don't do it to intimidate anyone. I do it mostly out of respect. I want to engage totally with THAT person without interference.
I've gone so far to teach this to my own son. When he was old enough to meet someone that he should remember, I would ask him what color were the eyes of the person he was talking to?
This game became a way of HIM holding onto a person's gaze as well. He would return after meeting someone and say to me...(The person's name) has (whatever color) eyes.
Never look away!
Today's Training:
Someone had to adjust their training, otherwise I was going to be writing up THREE different workouts per day next week.
So we...
Sumo Dead Lifted: 10x1 @50%
Conventional Dead Lift: 10x1 @ same weight
Dynamic Box Squat: 10x2@50% using the Mastodon Bar.