People with a hidden agenda to their actions become less trustworthy. Why not tell people what your plans are?
I've been asked if I'd like to go to a person's house for whatever reason, I tell them SURE! I'd like to go, but I'm not going to, or NO I'm not attending. When they ask, "why?" I tell ask them if they'd rather I tell them YES, and not show up to avoid THIS line of questioning?
I get up early. I'm tired and cranky by the time most folks are planning their evenings. I'm not telling them they need to be up with me. Likewise, I don't like it when people I tell me that I need to stay up with them.
I also like my privacy. I have enough on line presence and gym teacher time. I get home, I LIKE my house.
If on the other hand I get asked to do something, and it sounds like a good idea, I'm all in! You sure as skippy can plan on it being attended, and DONE as in DUN.
I also will like or dislike without beating around the bush. Every one knows where they stand with me.
Nothing fake. No false pretense. If you are in, you're IN. If you aren't, I simply have no conversation with that person.
Today's Training:
Squat: Use the SSB Yoke Bar and a 10" box
Work up to a heavy set of 6 reps.
Start adding a chain per side until you can't do 6 reps.
Strip the chains off and do a set of 10 reps
Drop that by 30% and do 15 reps.
Leg Press:
GHR: 5x10