I considered one of my basic economic principles about finances when I originally thought of this one. At one point in my life, I was so broke I couldn't pay attention none the less all the creditors that were after me.
I had a serious debt problem that was incurred during a time of my life that, well , that is a an entirely different rule coming up later, but let's just say I had a basket of bills.
I would make a payment to the one's that were on top and keep going until I was out of money.
The creditors would call, all about 6:00 pm when they knew you were home and start to badger me for the money I owed.
That's when I would tell them that they were lucky. That by chance I pulled THEIR name out of that basket of bills (I kept it on top of the refrigerator ) and they would get theirs this month. The unlucky ones just had to wait!
I eventually paid them all off by a method of "rapid debt reduction" and living, let's just say...way below anyone's means and not uncommon to the homeless, if you know what I mean...
Anyway, my situation is MUCH better now, but unless the money is IN the bank, my wife and I DO NOT purchase items.
If we want something, we get prices, then we work our butts off and make the money and then (and only then) do we purchase what we wanted.
Owing anything sucks!
I was riding my bike home from work when the light bulb went off in my head and had a revelation!
Since TIME is MONEY, this also applies to that as well.
If you don't have time, don't spend it uselessly on areas that won't give you a return.
If you INVEST your time, then there will be dividends! (Foreshadow for Rule #22)
That's when my mind triggered into overdrive. Rule 21...Don't spend it if you don't have it can be applied to money, time, as well as energy.
Yup...you might think that you can battle through times of low energy...NOPE! You don't have it, better off not spending it! Recover from it and get busy when you have it!
Sometimes my brain goes into overdrive! Shit! No wonder of all the things I've lost in my life, my mind is the one I'll miss most. hahahahaha
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench:
2x3@50%+ 1 chain cluster per side
2x3@50% + 2 chain clusters per side
4x4@50% + 3 chain clusters per side
Dumbell Bench Press for time:
Pick a pair of moderately heavy Dbs. Doesn't really matter how much and chest press them for TWO minutes. WHEN (not if) you need to rest, they can rest on your chest or extended. Doesn't matter. You will NOT be able to do this continuously. Do a few reps, rest, do a couple more, rest, etcetera. DON'T PUT THEM DOWN!!!
Immediately roll off the bench and bang out 100 push ups. Yes they can be done in ONE set!!! Don't be a pussy.
DB Lateral Raise: 5x8
Overhead BB Press: 12x2@95