For the record, Rule #28 in my "Book of Life Rules" states, Excuses are useless.
During a day, I hear quite a few of them. I listen, but in the back of my head I am saying...If I accept one of these, it's as bad as me giving one. So I listen, and give a blank stare.
I also said that if you lower the bar, you won't get aggravated, that's if you are a pessimist. Being an OPTIMIST I am always disappointed. I always RAISE the bar and expect to meet those objectives.
I am now satisfied because I said that I MUST add more Conditioning to my personal HEALTH and Fitness program, and I hadn't done it...UNTIL this writing.
I went outside and pushed six, x EIGHTY yard Prowler pushes, then RAN (actually "Ogged which is out of shape man jogging) a mile and a half with my pooch.
I'm tired of sounding like an Asthmatic when I brush my teeth.
The Wheezing Stops Here