When I attended Ithaca College, it had one of the best Physical Therapy Programs in the country. The School of Allied Health Professions had these really cool T shirts made that said, "If it's Physical...It's Therapy"
The human organism was made for motion. It likes to MOVE. Issue is, we find EXCUSES which are USELESS (Foreshadow an upcoming rule...) to avoid it.
We reach deep to find reasons to stay in front of the TV or the Computer Screen. We find reasons to avoid going to the gym or even outside for a stinking WALK when we get invitations to them.
Even KNOWING how great we feel post movement. I'm not sure about all the endorphins and brain wave function stuff, but like I suggested in Rule 28, to some extent we search for the pain vs pleasure thing and many times we need a nudge to get it in motion.
I adopted a method of movement that has given me a bit of a reputation. When I get a notion to do something, WHAM! I get up and begin. I don't give much thought to the climate conditions, time of day, (and yes...time of night either) but I have gotten up and went for an 'Og (big man jog) at midnight on a full moon evening. I have gone out in sub zero temperatures and done wind sprints in snow and high winds. I have done Nautilus Pullovers at midnight on October 31st. Cut the lawn in 100 degree plus temps. Hell...I bench pressed the Hoover Dam today in a gym that should be shut down for health reasons and high temps.
Fuck...reading this to here...you could have done 10 push ups instead!!!
Today's Menu:
Bench Press: Work up to a heavy 10 reps.
Then cut the weight in half and do 20 reps
Then do loaded Isometrics in two different angles of the elbow. Max the hold until the isometric becomes a legit eccentric. Those that have done proper eccentrics will know exactly what I mean. We let NOTHING down. The weight and time under tension leaves you no option.
Remember to FIGHT this rep all the way down!!!
Overhead BB Press: 10x4@95
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10@30
Dips: 200 reps
Chain Supine Tricep Extension: 5x15@ Two Chain Clusters per handle.