4" Pulls off Mats: Work up to a heavy three reps. Rest then pull one more
Dynamic Effort Squat: 8x2x56% of max (280 with the Mastodon Bar)
Rep Box Squat: 7x7x230 BIG however...I was trying to hurry up because my son has Lacrosse Practice in an hour, Skate lesson AND a Hockey game tonight. We need to feed so I combined the sets and did 2x14 and tried to punch out the last one of 21 reps.
I felt it coming on at rep 16 and by rep 19 the intense headache behind the eye program reared it's ugly head.
I re racked the bar and sat moaning like a bitch for about five minutes. Got up to take my belt off and SAT RIGHT BACK DOWN.
1/2 hour later I'm still fuzzy, but more water I'll be ready for Lax.
Add rule #43: Stick with the plan!
Last thought before heading out...You won't make a damn bit of difference by doing NOTHING! Go do something.