In my gym, that is the number for the rule..."No Complaining". This post was going to be exactly that. But that would be breaking my own rule of #67.
In light of that, I am committing to not only writing upbeat (in some manner, EVEN in the face of bad news) EliteFTS Coaching Log post but to EVERYTHING I write and put on the internet.
This might be hard. Since most of the stuff I've been reading seems to be quite ANGRY and negative.
But heck with it. I am choosing NOT to board that train.
Dynamic Squat: 8x2x60%
Dynamic Dead Lift: 8x1x60%
GHR: 3x6
1x10x20 lb vest
1x8x25 lb.
Strict Reverse Hypers: 3x15x90
Blazing bike ride home
Wind Sprints: 10x50