You can look up my 100 rules in the archives. But one of the more notable ones is Rule 67.
This one is about excuses. Not only giving them, but me accepting them.
Excuses are USELESS and me accepting one is as bad as me giving one.
You can make excuses or progress but you can't do both at the same time.
After yesterday's fiasco I was contemplating not riding my bike to and from work. I was about to convince myself when I noticed the rear rim was not true and got caught on the brake pad.
But like I said, "excuses are useless". I opened the brake pads a bit (they still worked) and went a longer and quieter(less traffic) route.
Second, I have been chirpping a participant about his excessive weight gain during the prison sentence.
He made a few MINOR adjustments to his diet and voile' He dumped 10 pounds off his mid section. Ef'n GREAT!
Third, fella that flipped my Throat Punch button yesterday was attentive and coachable today! So in an instant (again) things can go from 0 to Mach II and back to zero.
Now to fix the bent rim!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 mins
Pre/Re hab:
Main Lift:
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Push ups: 4x25
DB Supine Tricep Ext. 4x15
Bike Commute: Yea, like a little accident was going to keep me from being back in the saddle.