My Mother in Law worked in the Dentistry business for years. She passed along good dental hygiene habits to my wife.
I had my teeth knocked out my freshman year of High School so I had these "Chicklets" put in by a hack dentist.
My future bride overlooked my hideous smile and married me anyway. However, my mouth went into Oral renewal right of way.
New caps, brighter smile, etcetera, etcetera...
With that, came a new daily plan of brushing and flossing. THEN...we got the water pick of all creation.
Not only is my breath non offensive, but disease stays at bay as well. No tooth decay, or gum disease.
Once you get past the age of cavity the GUMS become the issue.
Check this out!!! Point your LEFT index finger to your open mouth lower lip. With your thumb extended down in the opposite direction of your mouth as if you were making a "pistol" with your hand, take a look where your thumb is...Yup, it's right there by your heart!
Don't think keeping that oral orfice clean and fresh is important? Then you are begging for something to enter your mouth and end up fucking up your heart (eventually)
Tom's Toothpaste (no fluoride)
Sonic Toothbrush 3x per day
Water Pick 2 x per day
Floss after meals
and those new little floss toothpicks while driving.
Today's Training:
Incline DB Chest Press: Work up to a hard 8 reps and repeat for two more sets at the heaviest weight
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x185
Chain Fly: 2x20 x one set of chains in each hand
Dumbell Lateral Raise: 3x10x30 STRICT
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 with 44-36-28 lb kettle bells
Dangle Over head presses: 10x3x 2(25) and 2 (5) attached to each side via medium band and mini band
Shrugs: 4x12x365
4 way Neck: 1x15x6.0