Today most of our Powerlifitng squad competed at the IPA Battle of the Beast Powerlifting meet in Nashville Tenn. We had 8 lifters getting after it. Let me first say in the last year or so we have shifted the attitude on our team and got rid of a few distractions. Watching the team get after it this weekend solidified that th direction I have chose was the correct one. No drama/selfishness/loyalty issues hav arose. I refuse to allow any more BS on or in the facility. We are on track of being a dominant close team. With that being said here is the breakdown of what we did;
1) Allison coming back from her back injury ended up totaling 635lbs. A PR of 15lbs to her total. Her 225lb squat was amazing to watch.
2) Kristin is a former thrower at a high level and new to the sport. She is quickly becoming a force. She totaled 1165lbs at superheavy. This is a PR of 50lbs from the Arnold Classic total.
3) Cody coming off some knee issues hit a 1195lb total which is a 155lb PR from his last meet. He is between 165-181 and is an up and coming lifter.
4) Hunter is new to the sport. A former high school football player and wrestler he has now competed in his second meet. His form during training needed some work but in the meet he looked great. He totaled 1180lbs at 242 which is a PR of 130lbs more that the meet he did in March.
5) Aaron is settling in at his new weight class 181lbs. He has had a lot of knee issue but tore it up at the meet with a 1570lb total. This is a 20lb PR to his total.
6) Dan is new to the sport in his first meet. He is a ex collegiate wrestler. He had a solid meet and is going to be a monster just give him a few meets and a year or so of learning. He totaled 1545lbs at superheavy.
7) Kyle one of our top lifters did the bench only at this meet as he is preparing for the BOB3 in late aug. he hit a raw 585lb bench. This puts him in the nation #2 as of now. He weighed 268lbs.
8) Stephanie (trained by coach Ed) had a great meet with a lot left in the tank. She went from 850 to 900lbs at this meet. A 50lb meet PR.
We had a lot of support/spots/coaching at this meet with 20total people traveling 5hrs for TTF Powerlifting Squad. What we do works (if) you listen and are coachable. Looking forward to sometime in the future getting back on the platform with my team. Until them I live through them..........CONGRATS GUYS........next week we start all over for our in house meet in oct or worlds in November.