Don and I hit a nasty back workout yesterday which left me a cripple. My lower back just seems to be turning into trash lately so any deadlifts that I really have to put effort into are aggravating. Ok enough crying, here's what we did.
High-pull/hang clean combos- 80kg - 130kg in 5 kg jumps
High pulls- 145 kgs for 5 sets of 3
Deadlifts- 230kgs for 6 doubles
Barbell shrugs- we used the cambered bench press bar- 5 plates for 4 sets of 12
Pull-ups (yes I am starting to do pull-ups again after many years) 5 sets of 4 was the most that I could manage but I always loved pull-ups and it's how I built such a wide back. I'm going to stick with them and see if I can build my reps up to a respectable level again. My lats are sufficiently sore today.
Inverted rows- 4 sets of 12