Well, I continued my eating spree with a sleeping spree. Recently I've had some problems with my chemo and as we lowered the dose I felt less side effects but starting having issues again. A couple of weeks ago we had to double the dose again and that nearly drowned me. My legs have been like jelly and the pains have returned in my arms and legs like before...like I can't tell you where it hurts but I just know that it hurts.
The nausea has been rough and I get this terrible "brain fog" where I just constantly feel like I'm on drugs yet I've never used a drug.
But something happened the other day and I just felt CLEAR! My appetite sprung up and I just got to going forward again! I'm still tired but felt "better" at the same time.
Chino tried to keep me in the bed as long as possible Saturday morning/afternoon. When I wake up and grab my phone to check my work email he crawls across my chest and blocks my view.
My wife asked me to go to the market with her (I was supposed to go but couldn't drive) and I found a can of tuna JUST MY SIZE! Note: This is dirt cheap for us!
We went home, cooked and ate Paleo PLUS (Paleo Plus Orange Soda and other good stuff)
I then spent the rest of the day/night going in and out of sleep and trying to help fight The War on Carbs by eating an entire raspberry cheese cake!
Ready For Sunday!