What a crazy week!!! So last week I had a couple friends I went to school with come down (they were both wrestlers at wisco). P came down and taught a conceal and carry class to me and my wife and about 10 family friends. Shooting the guns was pretty cool. P and Ryan stayed a few extra days and we had some fun to say the least. We went to a few outside the box spots while they were here. On Sunday my friend hooked me up with some of the WWE athletes and hey came by the gym and house and we got to catch up some. Roman reigns, dean Ambrose, and r-truth are all good dudes and athletic as hell. Even thought he WWE is scripted the crap they do is nuts!!!! They comped me and my sons out tickets three rows from the ring. They were 700.00 tickets each for the event called money in the bank. We had a great time and the kids loved it.
This past week for the powerlifting crew was great also gym PR's set all week. We hit heavy deads tomorow and Monday and shut it down till the meet July 8th. As long as everyone rests after tomorow and doesn't go to crazy the meet should be awesome. We have 6 lifting at the meet. Really loooig forward to seeing everyone roll and catching up with Bobby betts as well at his facility.
Business is going well. The summers are always busier than the rest of the year at TTF. Every week each class seems to grow a little which is great.
As far as for myself I'm still in limbo land. Cannot do too much physically other than clean some which is my cardio. Weight is always between 255-260lbs can't gain anything.
I went to u of Illinois to help my buddy Joey who is the head strength coach up there and had a blast hanging out and taking shoppe. We always get so caught up talking that we lost track and I didn't have time to lift. They did a fundraiser called lift for life and reaised 33,000.00. It was cool to see the stations they run.
After this I dropped off my 9yr old son to the wrestling camp. My other son reide got to see what he so going to expedited a few years from now. He is already getting contacted by some D1 schools after his freshman year. He is 6'1 and 195 more of a rush d end. He had 7 sacks as a true freshman. Started in football and wrestling as a true fresh.