Today our Powerlifting Squad was off. We hit it mon/tues/Thurs/fri. This split to me is best as it is 2 days on, a day to rest recover, 2 days on then 2 days off to rest recover. We have an in house massage therapist as well as a hydrotherapy tub (ice tub) for recovery along with almost any tool to get better.
I had a smaller class today and hit the shit out of them. We supersetted some very tough and unique equipment I have. The Rogers Tred Sled and the Bear Cat by powernetics were used along with a mid-section station. We basically did these in stations for 45 min after our warm up. After this class I had a 1-1 with a high end wrestler from the area. His mom joined in the fun as well. This is refreshing as most parents sit on their phone or sit in their car while their child is training which is a waste of time in my opinion.
Looking forward to watching the Wisconsin vs mich game and resting the rest of the day. Tomorrow I only have to work 2 hours and will be doing the same resting and relaxing.