I was very busy yesterday. I met with the HFC and we finalized our morning conditioning plan. I had to set up drills, figure out the times of each station, rest periods, etc... Not hard, just had to do some thinking. Then, I drew up the plan, figured out how the groups will rotate between drills, blah, blah, blah... After that I sat down and took a look at the winter program to finalize it. I actually made some changes based on a few ideas I've seen and had floating around in the vast expanse which is my brain. I have pretty much settled on the final copy and I just have to get it on paper for 7 weeks. Today we have 2 groups of football recruits so I came in early, trained and now I'm showered and dressed up ready to give athletes and parents the "WOW" effect. I'm loaded on AMP energy drinks so it should be good. I opted for the other upper body workout today. My knees are still pretty sore from basketball earlier in the week. I toyed with some numbers and finalized them for my own training. The official new plan starts Monday.
- FBB Press Bar for 3x10 warm-ups
- Pull-aparts 2x25
- GHR 2x10
- FBB Press 95x5, 115x5, 135x5
- Pull-ups 4x8
- FBB Press 5x8@95
- Hammer Rows 2x20
- DB Snatch 2x10
- DB Curls for fun 50 reps
The press work is a little heavy for what I'm doing. That, and I'm just so weak overhead. Great news, my shoulder isn't bothering me at all! I'm following Jim Wendler's 5's Pro Template (Buy the book, it's worth it!) I settled on my Bench numbers on Thursday and my Press numbers today. Squat and Deadlift are all set. What I like about this so far is the upper body days take about 45 minutes and I get a lot of work done. As I mentioned in my last post, the lower body days will probably be more like an hour because I'm stronger with those movements and I'll need more rest. Nonetheless, 1 hour workouts will fit my current schedule perfectly. This gives me 8 weeks on this. Side note, this is my busiest time of the year. Last year I struggled with great consistency because my schedule was so busy. Two hour time windows to lift just weren't realistic on a consistent basis. One hour windows are very realistic. I'm thinking that once spring football starts I'll move to a more muscle building (bodybuilding) style, meaning, I'll do more weighted assistance work. Just preliminary thoughts. I'll see where tis takes me and go from there. All in all, feeling great. Body feels healthy. I can notice the last 6 weeks of weight room and conditioning work paying off. I really have no complaints with my progress. I'm in it for the long haul. I know my upper body numbers are very light, but I'm just going to run it and let the work pay off. I want to eventually Bench 315x10 with the FBB and Press 225x1 overhead. I have no time table on this. I know those numbers are tiny, but that's my first goal I want to achieve. I've really settled in to the goal of being "strong and conditioned" while feeling great. I was very strong when I power lifted, especially the raw stuff, but I always hurt. Something was always nagging me. Although I do have these same issues now, it's because I'm old, bruised and battered. Some of them will just never go away. The difference is, when I'm sore now, it's not the sore that's debilitating. It's the sore that lets me know I did some good work. Hence, I feel better because I can live my life and I'm not very limited in what I can do.
Although, I chuckled the other day. After the Bench work I went and squeezed off 200 rounds with my new toy. The gun only weighs about 7lbs and maybe 9-10lbs fully loaded (that 40 round magazine is AWESOME!). Into my 3rd magazine my shoulders and arms were a little tired. Just evidence that my training was good.
Anyway, I'm off to amaze athletes and parents with my effervescing personality.