I got this one in at Wendler's. Vincent, Jim and I put in a good, solid day. I was still feeling weird in my hips so I played it all by ear.
- SSB Squat: 160x5/210x5/250x5/280x5
- Ab Wheel: 3x10
- Trap Bar Deadlift: 5x5@250
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FBB Bench: 135x5/185x5/225x5/275x5/315x5
I've noticed a few things and in talking with Vincent and Jim for the majority of the weekend about training (free seminar) I realized I'm not using the weight room for strength right now. Don't get me wrong, I love that conditioning is now a part of my training. But, what I have been doing is worrying about the clock and how fast I've been getting through my workouts. Basically, I've been neglecting the ONLY reason you should be in the weight room - to get stronger.
So, moving forward I'll be putting an emphasis on my main work. After that I'll continue with the circuit work. I have to make strength the goal when I'm in the weight room and save conditioning for conditioning work.
It's funny how you can get caught up in things and lose focus on the goal. That being said, we all plan to meet back in Ohio in December for a "test" day. I'm shooting for a SSB Squat of 425x10, a FBB Bench of 315x10 and a FBB Press of 225x1 (no leg drive).