Workout 12
Great day in the weight room. I was in there by myself and I enjoyed the heck out of it. I solved world problems. Figured out who the best defense of all time is... All kinds of important stuff. And, I had a good pace without killing myself. It took me 40 minutes from the start of my warm-up to my last set.
- FBB Press: 105x6
- Fat Mans: 5x10
- BBB: 10x5@85
- Pushdowns: 50
- Neck: 40
I decided to try a PR Set to day because I wanted to see what kind of stamina/strength my arm/shoulder has and because I knew I'd get 50 reps of BBB work.
Stamina and strength is awful, but I know there's a little bit of progress so I'm choosing to look at that instead of wallowing in self-pity.
One cycle is done and I'll be starting the 2nd today. I'm on the downhill slide of this little experiment.