I was going to do this on Friday but lost all motivation so I got on the bike for 20 minutes.
Saturday I was feeling great so I was looking forward to getting into the weight room.
- SSB Box Squat warm-ups: 3x5
- FBB Press warm-ups: 3x5
- Pull-aparts: 50
- Med Ball Throws: 10
- SSB Box Squat: 255x5/295x5/335x5/3x5@255
- FBB Press: 115x5/135x5/155x5/3x5@115
- Landmine Rows: 3x5/3x10
- Dips: 2x5
- Side Raises: 2x10
- DB Shrugs: 2x10
- FBB Curls: 2x10
After the warm-up I started the clock. It took me 29 minutes to get the squats, presses and rows done.
Really good day.