Over the last few years, if you haven't noticed, Vincent Dizenzo and I have been nurturing a pretty cool friendship.
This last weekend Vinny competed, benched press BIG TIME and did it while not being a fat crap.
Vinny has been taking care of himself getting into what we often forget in Strength AND Conditioning by CONDITIONING.
The other thing Vincent has done, was to seek the council and programming of Jim Wendler and the 5-3-1.
BRILLIANT! Why you ask? Because folks, if it isn't broken, there is no need to fix it!!!
Jim's 5-3-1 is simple and has worked fine.
The Conjugated method works fine.
To jump around from one program to another based on YOU not getting to where you want to be in YOUR TIME, is simply a dumb idea.
Programs WORK, when you WORK the program.
Every Tom's dick is HAIRY is coming out with the next NEW and improved program. To which I say, B.S.!
The Progressive Overload theory isn't new. It's been around since the days of lifting calfs until they became cows.
What hasn't worked is YOU!
There is NO NEED to continually re invent the wheel. It's round and it rolls.
Close Grip 3 board Press:
Work up to a heavy 1 rep.
Rep Bench: 10x5x60%
One arm cross body supine tricep extension: 3x15xgernade ball w/ chain
Seated Rack Scraping shoulder press:
Cable Crossover: 3x30x50
Face pulls: 3x30x90