My sciatic nerve is feeling MUCH better. Actually the timing couldn't be better. I have a connecting flight in Dallas when I head to EliteFTS' HQ on Friday, and my fear was that I would be dropped off at Gate 20 and need to connect with Gate 22 which, if you've ever been through Dallas could be four mile sprint.
Regardless, I am ALMOST up to Two wheels on my Mastodon Bar and the pace I've been keeping has been blistering.
The photo is my leg just walking around. Hahahaha.
Suspended Knee Ups: 4x15 super set with GHR: 4x12
Took warm up sets of 5 reps with the bar, 95,135,and 185
Squats: 10 sets of 5 at 185
Super set w/
Dead Lifts: 10 sets of 1 at the same number.
We also have a new "slide board" which I used at the end. This is wonderful as a finisher of the abductors and adductors of the leg.
PLUS, it gets the heart rate up:
5 sets of 20 (10 foot slide to the left and back= 1 rep)