Science. It sucks and anyone that tells you that it is real and is truthful is lying to you. I've been involved in enough research projects to know that whomever is paying for the study also knows which direction they want it steered to get the outcome that they want! This goes everywhere from medical firms, pharmaceutical companies, to research professors. If they don't agree with your research and it doesn't benefit them...your research will be dropped! Even if you are following the facts...SCIENCE IS A PROCESS AND NOT A FACT!
Exercise and Nutritional Science is the biggest scam of them all! How is there even a degree called Exercise Science? Some guy in a pair of track suit pants looking like one of The Beastie Boys or Bruce Lee from "that one movie" trying to tell me that there is no protein in pizza and that machines are just as good as free weights. Seriously...if you are reading this then you are probably a total psycho nut job just like I am and you know what a squat, bench press, and deadlift look like. You also know that there are 10 different ways to become Elite in a Strength Sport and none of them are "right" or "wrong". The "science" means that we try methods and study them and keep trying...IT IS NOT A LAW OR A FACT! There are none when it comes to Strength Training OR Nutrition!
So I hit the roof the other day when a client sent me an email asking me if it was OK to have some fruit before going to bed. He loves fruit and it is getting hotter where he lives and loves a piece of almost any fruit in the evenings just before bed BUT he has read a "Research Study" that said you should not eat fruit before going to bed because the insulin spike from the fruit would cause all of his HGH NOT to release as he went to sleep. Freaking seriously? How much HGH do you think your body actually releases when you go to sleep? You think eating a grape before bed is going to kill your chances of looking like Dorian Yates in 1995?
So I hit The Googles and searched it. You know what? There are just as many articles (some actual research with citations) that say to NOT eat fruit before bed as there are articles that say fruit is the perfect thing to eat before bed. Citing everything from insulin spike, to making you fat, to increased vitamin uptake during sleep hours, to possible penile growth.
I'll be honest, there was no research that said it would make your Daddy Parts get smaller so I "took it into my own hands" and tried it out for myself last night.
So far I see no change in anything but I may have to try this for several nights in a row.